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“Dobrodiya Foods” expands presence of its products in all national retail chains

Currently, the products of the “Dobrodiya Foods” company under TM’s “Dobrodiya”, San Grano and WOWOATS are represented on the shelves of all national retail chains (about 2300 stores).
Also, this year “Dobrodiya Foods” started cooperation with the leader of food retail in Ukraine – the “ATB” company. In a fairly short period of time, the test period of the network was successfully completed, resulting the increase of presence of the manufacturer’s products from 750 stores to 1160 stores (100% representation).
“We are not resting on the achieved result and already in October we plan to agree with ATB expansion of the working assortment to 8-10 SKUs.
We also resumed the supply of products and the implementation of the “Dobrodiya Foods” assortment development strategy in a number of chains: “Silpo”, “Fora”, Fozzy , “EKO Market”, “Velika Kishenya”, “Metro”, “Auchan”, “Epicentr”, VARUS, NOVUS, “Tavria”. So, we can state the fact of the full restoration of cooperation in the channel of national networks and our readiness to develop our partnership”, – said Anatoly Gavrylei, commercial director for national sales markets of “Dobrodiya Foods”.
In many chains, TM “Dobrodiya” cereals are presented with a special “Good in action” sticker. Purchasing these products, every buyer can help Ukrainians affected by the war.
We will remind you that at the beginning of the summer “Dobrodiya Foods” initiated the social project “Good in action” from TM “Dobrodiya”, the purpose of which is to support Ukraine on behalf of the company and consumers of its products. When buying flakes with a sticker, 1 hryvnia from
their cost is deducted to a charity fund which takes care of the problems and needs of territorial communities. So far, “Dobrodiya Foods” has already transferred UAH 112,000 to the “Semargl” fund.